Start by entering the title of the comic into the box below.<createbox> preload=Template:Webcomic Page width=25 </createbox>
Or you can go directly to the page you want to create (it doesn't have to exist yet; going to it will create it) or
You'll see a "Create" link there. If it already exists, the link will be to "Edit" instead.
In the Create modal, if you go to "Insert -> Infobox -> Infobox webbcomic" or "Infobox character" it'll give you an infobox to fill out. Hit apply changes to set it on your page. Then you can edit the body of the page to the left of the infobox for things like "Summary", "Characters", etc.
Infoboxes look like this:
Adding Images[]
To add an image to the infobox, add an image either through the "upload image" button in the edit/create modal or here: Make a note of the filename, like "photoofcharacter.png". Then write that exactly in the "image" section of the infobox.
You can "tag" a page with categories at the bottom. Tagging a character with "Characters" will cause the page to show up in the character category. Tagging a page with Fantasy will cause it to appear in the Fantasy category.
If you want to make a category that contains all characters for a series (like so), tag your characters with "[Series name] characters]. Then click on that category on your page to go to it. Tag the "Category:[Series name] characters" page with "Characters by comic" and it will now show up in the "By Comic" parent category.
New categories can be made simply by tagging a page with that category.
Things to put in the body of the page[]
These are all just suggestions. Your series might call for something entirely different.
== Summary ==
Add a short description of the comic. Try not to write the entire story or anything that could spoil the comic for new readers. Just before the summary section, you should also type comic's title in bold and a brief description so there's something to see for the wikia's search feature.
== Content Warnings ==
List content warnings for the comic. It's a good idea to let new readers know what they're getting into. This should be filled in. You can paste the official warnings from the comic's website or write some of your own.
== Characters ==
This is optional and can be removed. List some of the main cast. Add the character's name in bold and a short description.
== About the Creator ==
Optional. Add a short blurb about the creator/creators.
== External Links ==
Add a link to the official blog, interviews with the creator(s) about the comic, reviews or whatever else you think is appropriate.
== References == <references />
This is the section for references you do not need to edit this and can remove it if your page contains no references. To add a reference, place a link or line of text between these tags: <ref> Like so! </ref>